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Second City Paint is a residential multifunctional painting company centered in Stickney, Illinois. We provide quality yet affordable services to all homes in the Chicagoland area (for a list of these services go to the "Services and Pricing" page). The company is a product of the Chicago Hope Academy Entrepreneurial Youth Experience Program. It was founded in January of 2019.

Entrepreneurial Youth Experience is a business course that provides minority and at-risk youth the opportunity to create and manage their own real businesses. They will learn skills in finance, entrepreneurship, communication, and management along the way.


Chicago Hope Academy is a college & life preparatory Christian High School that is dedicated to nurturing and challenging the body, mind, and spirit to the glory of God. It is located in the Tri-Taylor are of the city of Chicago.

About the CEO

My name is Christopher Cinkus. I am currently a junior at Chicago Hope Academy, as well as the founder and CEO of the Second City Paint: Residential Painting Company.

This company was not solely created as my business project for the Entrepreneurial Youth Experience course. I created it because I wanted to give back to the community in a manner that I felt would be successful and I would have a passion for.

I have had several years of experience in the painting industry. My father was also a general contractor for many years. I began painting my own house during our remodeling period. I then moved on to paint friends' houses and apartment complexes in Chicago.




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